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She Doesn’t Settle

Apr 26, 2023

When it comes to goal setting, accountability means being held responsible for the effort you put into working towards your goals. Some people have resistance around the word — feeling as if it implies you are “less than” if you need accountability to succeed.

And you know what I say? That couldn't be further from...

Apr 19, 2023

Self Complexity is a research term that refers to having multiple solid components to your identity.  

According to psychologist Patricia Linville, who created the concept of self-complexity, identities can include context-dependent social roles, relationships, activities, physical features, and goals of the...

Apr 5, 2023

The WHO included burnout in it’s international classification of diseases in 2019, describing it as a syndrome conceptualized as resulting from chronic workplace stress that has not been successfully managed. It is characterized by energy depletion, mental distance from ones job, and reduced professional efficacy
